If your school needs more support you can refer school staff to this website

Even during COVID-19 the Diabetes in Schools program has continued to offer a free, easily accessible online training program for all schools across the country. Since it was launched in February 2020, thousands of principals, teachers and school staff have registered with the online program to learn more about how they can support students with type 1 diabetes.

About the training

The training program covers the basics of type 1 diabetes, insulin and glucose monitoring, what to do during low and high glucose levels, physical activity and even how to prepare for a school camp.

  • Level 1 provides introductory online training and is recommended for all staff as it provides a basic understanding of type 1 diabetes and its management. Level 1 training takes approximately 20 minutes to complete
  • Level 2 provides more detailed intermediate training and is recommended for designated staff who supervise or teach a student living with type 1 diabetes. Level  training takes approximately 60 minutes to complete
  • Level 3 provides individualised face-to-face training by a qualified health professional in the school setting. This service is not available yet in all states but is coming soon. For more information about this service you can contact a member of the Diabetes in Schools team. https://www.diabetesinschools.com.au/contact/

We encourage all schools who have students with type 1 diabetes to undertake level 1 and 2 training [click here to start] which can be completed online and at a person’s own pace. We also encourage schools and families to take advantage of the wide range of resources available through the Diabetes in Schools website.